Experience Areas Landscape Design Features: Visualization Possibilities


  • Jurga Kučinskienė Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences
  • Gintaras Kučinskas Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences




Experiences Areas, Visualization, 3D modelling, Rendering, Landscape Design


We realize 80 percent of the environment by sight, and 70 percent experiences landscape area consists of plants. When planning experiences landscape area we used for a number of trees and shrubs shoots, stems, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits ornamental characteristics: colour, texture, shape or size. These measures through visual sense in the experience areas landscape can provide a unique look and mood. The aim of the article — review of the use of visualization possibilities in the landscape design of the experience areas. This study is done in systematic and comparative analysis methods.

When you are planning experience landscape areas, so without some means of artistic expression environment visual sense seen through some trees and bushes characteristics, features - this colour, texture, shape, size. These measures experience areas landscape design may take very specific or purpose in the environment to identify the desired image and mood. Moreover, in the planning process we not only touch the drawings, but also provide visualizations to help realize our proposed ideas, to feel those experiences from the planning process, which seeks to convey the author. The green areas landscape design common understanding of the project is often hindered differently trained designer and client spatial thinking. Depending on the tools and goals divided into several possible ways of experiences in areas of landscape visualization projects. Visualization usually is created as an additional tool during the project, or as an additional part of the project, which would increase the attractiveness of the project and visualization. Everything depends on the purpose, selecting different tools and visualization performance quality.

The most recent problems in the creating visualizations - tool selection, project complexity mismatch with a computer program opportunities and the tool used to create forms or content restriction.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.sace.12.3.13019

Author Biographies

Jurga Kučinskienė, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences

PhD, Project Manager of Applied Research Activities Center

Gintaras Kučinskas, Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences

Head of Informatic Technologies Department





