Implementation the Last Indonesian Minister Regulation of 2022 uses SEM-PLS and Blockchain-BIM to Green Cost Efficiency


  • Albert Eddy Husin Mercu Buana University
  • Priyawan Priyawan



green building (GB), cost performance, Blockchain-BIM, SEM-PLS, retail and commercial estate, renewable energy


Today's threats and crises are about climate change and its consequences. Therefore, the target towards Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060 must be an obligation in all countries. A Green Building (GB) is a building that meets Building Technical Standards and has significant measurable performance in saving energy, water, and other resources. Applying GB principles by function and classification at each implementation stage will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to analyze the cost of improvements based on GB assessment, where these improvements are the factors affecting the implementation of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regulations from the Indonesian government. The Technical Guidelines for GB Performance, through the Minister of PUPR No.1 of 2022 Republic of Indonesia, is the latest regulation used as the GB concept. Implement Blockchain-BIM and  GB using Structural Equation Model - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) for the analysis. By applying Blockchain-BIM to overcome cost constraints, it has been found that it is possible to increase GB's cost-performance ratio in the retail and commercial estate to 3-3.8% at the basic level, while compared with other ratings is higher up to 2.1%, at which the choice of renewable energy model has a great influence.





